Everyone isn't able to call of their favorite Chanel or Birkin sales rep and have them hold the latest handbag to hit the market. These bags retail from $5,000 to $20,000! As my bestie would say, "GET YO LIIIIFE!!!"
But if you stumbled upon a credible seller, with quality products...and new you weren't doing anything illegal...would you spring for these coveted handbags if they were available at a price like $200-$300???
via @nikimoush Instagram
What about those infamous Christian Louboutins??? Would you spring for them if they were made to fit into your price range???
via @nikimoush Instagram
Personally, I live for a deal, so if I can get quality materials in high-fashion styles, I'm all over it!, But I want to know how you feel about it, so I need you guys to weigh in on this. How do you feel about real vs. replica. Would you fake it til you make it? Do tell!