Monday, January 16, 2012

I Have a Dream!

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. His valiant and unselfish efforts to better the world we live in will never be forgotten. But in no efforts to knock his dream, it is mine that I'm actually referring to.

Everyone tells me how blessed and lucky I am to be able to work from home. And they are, without a doubt, absolutely right. There's no way that my life would be the way it is right now if I wasn't allowed to keep my job and work remotely. I wouldn't have been able to share beautiful memories with my mother in her final months of life. I wouldn't have been able to marry the love of my life and follow him to Missouri without the stress of finding another job. I wouldn't be able to care for my husband, our son or our household the way that I do. So, believe me when I say I am the first person that can tell you that I am blessed beyond measure to be able to work from home. God's timing couldn't have been more perfect.

But now, I'm asking God for more. Not only do I want to continue to work from home; I want to work for myself. It has always been my dream to be my own boss, make my own schedule, answer to no one but myself and the clients I work with and do what I love. I feel that God has given me a gift that should be utilized beyond my job and my own home. I want to help others to turn their living spaces into places that not only evoke the feeling of home, but also feelings like serenity, romance, comfort, happiness, excitement, drama, joy, relaxation and more! Your living spaces should have the ability to change your mood upon you opening the door. A long, stressful day at work/school should melt away upon entry. Your living space should rise up and make you feel the way you want to.

It is my dream to have people contact me in the hopes that I can better their lives by "better-ing" their space...NO MATTER THE SPACE, NO MATTER THEIR BUDGET! I want people to understand that you don't have to make six figures to hire an interior designer. I just want people to love and appreciate design as much as I do. There are so many different styles, aesthetics and paths to good design and I want to help people find theirs. So if you are someone or if you know someone that's looking to upgrade the look of their space, who better to contact than me? Well, maybe a lot of people...but you don't want to contact them! You want to holla at ya girl, Coco! Right?!? I know! But if not, I'll be providing plenty of inspiration every week over here on CR. Kinda like this:

So if any of it strikes your fancy, by all means, use it as a spring board to get you started! If you need something a little more custom, give me a holla. I'd be glad to help. Who knows...maybe, I'll be able to call one of you my first client. A girl can always dream, right?
