Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ham House: Master Bedroom

So, as you know, I've been busy as a bee, working on our master bedroom. You've already seen the headboard redo and the dresser redo. Now it's time for the big reveal!

Here's the before...

Sorry about the the time, I was focused on the bed skirt that I had just made. But, you get the point.

And here we are now...

Those two big art pieces were only $15 a piece and came from a hotel furniture supply store on the south side of Memphis. It's actually a place where old hotel furniture goes to die, but there is some stuff in there worth rescuing.

I got to put the big wall to work by hanging most of my jewelry, art and favorite photos of the hubs and myself. It's my own little personal gallery and I love it!

The drapes are actually two shower curtains from Target hung with ring clips, like this...

It was crazy that they were made up of colors that were already in the room...especially, the teal-ish blue of the dresser. Happy coincident. Oh, and a quick tip: instead of clipping the fabric where it actually loops, clip it where the two folds meet. This will create that customized look of a rolled pleat on the cheap!

Over all, I'm really happy with where we are. I still see a few things that I'd like to tweak, but this layout is now perfect for the way we live.

It's actually the new layout that made the hubs go, "This is niiiice." Mind you, he didn't even notice the two huge pieces of art on his side of the bed or the curtains on mine. Men.

So, that wraps up the master...for now. What are you guys up to? Any shower curtains going up in front of your windows? Do your mates notice when you changed things up a little? Do tell!
