Friday, November 15, 2013

And the Winner is...

Congratulations Melaney!!! Check your email later today for details on how to claim your prize!
Thanks everyone for your participation and a huge THANK YOU to Agnes of Kassapanola for sponsoring this awesome giveaway!
Don't forget that you guys get 20% off the Kassapanola shop until November 22!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

#SmallThanksgivings: Tablescape Inpsiration

I'm back today to share a bit more inspiration for my little #smallThanksgivings tablescape. I told you guys yesterday that this was my jumping off point.

Well, I'm back with a few more pretty pictures to give you a better idea of what I'll be going for.

all via here

As you can see, the theme is black, white & gold. I already have a lot of the basics. I even lucked up on this set of beautiful gold appetizer plates at Target the other day.

And only $20 for the set! They have no other description on the box and I can't find them online. You HAVE to go to you local Target to see them in person! Soooo pretty!

There will be plenty of thrifting, DIY-ing, and shopping my own home. Be sure to follow me on Instagram (#smallThanksgivings) and Pinterest as I get it all together!
P.S. Tomorrow is the last day to enter to win the $25 gift certificate to Kassapanola Handmade! Just go here to enter!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Small Thanksgivings

As an apartment dweller, I'm always longing for more living space. But no time like around the holidays. I crave a home with a huge open floor plan where I can have my 10ft dining table for hosting all of our imaginary friends for cocktails parties and lavish dinners. But for now, I must be grateful for what I have.

It is a very tiny space, but I appreciate it for being the place that my tiny family and I gather everyday for dinner. It's the tiny space where the hubs and I talk and decompress from our day and it's where Davin comes up with some of his best material. [That kid keeps us laughing, I tell you] This tiny space is all I have to work with...and this year, I'm going to work with it.

Now, I won't be hosting Thanksgiving for our entire family. It's not logistically possible. But, one day, maybe the day before, I plan to have a special fancy dinner just for the three of us. I will play chef, set the table and dress us all up for an evening of small Thanksgivings.

I'm on the hunt today for a glam table setting on a thrifter's budget. My inspiration?

Follow along with me on Instagram (#smallThanksgivings) and Pinterest as to see all of my ideas, inspiration and finds to pull it all off.

Also, don't forget to enter for your chance to win a $25 gift certificate to Kassapanola Handmade!!!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Kassapanola & a Giveaway!!!

Have you guys ever shopped Kassapanola Handmade!?!
Well, if you haven't, YOU SHOULD BE!!!
I just added a little piece of Kassapanola to my living room and I can't wait to add more! Just look at all of this goodness!
Shop owner, Agnes Moll, is super sweet and Kassapanola is filled with some of the most amazing designer pillow covers. Not only are they stylish and suitable for any décor, they are impeccably made with the utmost care and attention to detail! If those aren't enough reasons to shop with Agnes, then here's an even better one: Kassapanola is now a CohesiveRandomness sponsor!

To welcome Kassapanola into the CR fold, Agnes and I are hosting a giveaway for a very lucky reader! You now have a chance to win a $25 gift certificate to put towards your own order from her shop! The winner just pays shipping/handling. Just be sure to fill out all the spots you can in the Rafflecopter below.

The giveaway will end and the winner will be announced on this Friday, November 15th at 12pm. But in the meantime, EVERY ONE of you guys get 20% off the entire Kassapanola shop from now until November 22! Just enter the code NUBI20 at checkout and send me a thank you later. ;-)

Here are just a few of my favorites. [Spoiler Alert: One of these may or may not already on its way to my house!]

So, welcome, Agnes and Kassapanola! And Happy Shopping you guys!
all images via Kassapanola Handmade