Thursday, January 3, 2013

Overdue Headboard Redo

Happy Thursday to you guys!!! Hope it's going well. Are you following me on Instagram? If not, click that link you just passed. If so, then you probably saw this yesterday.

This is the pic of the back of our headboard, right after I drafted out it's new shape. That's shape.

You may recall what our headboard used to look like:

Nice! But take a closer look at at this room. Lots of squares and rectangles have a party, right? From the headboard to the dressers to the art, to the pillows, to the bench...our master bedroom collection was in desperate need of some curves!

I searched in net for some inspiration and came across several lovely candidates:

It was that last beauty from Lauren Leonard Interiors via LittleGreenNotebook that had me at hello.

I broke out my red sharpie and compass and mapped out my plan, then it was on to cutting...

and more cutting. I trimmed back the foam, batting and fabric and stapled everything back into place. From start to finish, the entire undo/redo process took me about 3 hours (including some intense vacuuming). And what we got in the in end, is this...

I'm in love...all over again.


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

It's 2013! Time for some ORDER!


I hope all of you guys are doing well and feeling optimistic about new times! But I hope you all are out there being unrealistic and delusional about any future plans either. Haha!!!

Anywho, I'm not one for making resolutions, but I do get that urge to get my life together around the new year. You'll see some of my urges pop up over here on CR from time to time...or at least while the new year is still NEW. O_O

Well, today's urge involves our "new" master bedroom...and this mess:

Yeah. Dust, trash, my high school diploma and a pile of jewelry that was in desperate need of a home. It was time to tackle it.

First, I cleared my space (cleaned it too) and then I gathered my tools:

A brass bamboo-style tray (found at an antique shop for $17), my collection of brass candle sticks (found at any and every thrift store around), a couple of footed, glass bowls (Goodwill) and a little brass leaf dish thingy (it was too cute to just leave it in the store...Goodwill, I think).

Here it all is set up in place. I went with brass, of course, because of my un-dying love for it. But, this can easily be replaced with almost any color or material, like vintage crystal candlesticks, slim milk-glass vases, porcelain bowl, etc. Whatever you find beauty in can easily replace what you see above. This is how I put all of mine together.

I, then, hung up my burlap-covered cork board. It's great for organizing/displaying your favorite necklaces and other baubles.

Good, right!?!? Although, this makes realize I need some more color in my life.

But, here's the full set up. It's clean, clutter-free and organized. Can't beat that! Now, you know, I love my brass, but this set up was a little one note. So, I switched out the brass tray for a cool navy blue one. It's from Target and was only about $15 bucks. I even broke out some hot fabric samples I had on hand and framed them in some cheap-o Ikea frames (painted gold, of course) and neatly stacked our books and put them in their place.

Happy Happy Happy!!! I was beyond pleased with how it all turned out, but I have to be honest. Something about this arrangement was irking me. I sat on the foot of our bed staring at this view of my work and decided the it was a little heavy on the left side. The lamp + the books + the fabric sample = lop-sided arrangement. Sooo...

I flipped it! Much better. I'm so glad that I can check this off my list. Jewelry organization = DONE!

Oh, and here's a couple detail shots for ya!

So, what are your resolutions for 2013? Have you started any already? Holla atcha gurl!
