Saturday, December 21, 2013

Am I too old to be a "Stan"?

Please tell me that I'm not, because THIS lady has completely blown me away!

And this video?!?!?!?!?! 

Why, yes ma'am, Beyoncé  I will be your purse handler and pick up your dog poop for free. Anything to breathe the air you breathe.

Too much?

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Dear Santa...

My wish list a bit all over the place this year. It's a few wants, but also, a few necessities. I'm not asking for anything fancy or trendy, just a few things that would make me really really really happy!

1. I've been on the hunt for a pair of over the knee boots and this Rock and Republic pair from Kohl's completely fit the bill. Not to mention that they're on sale!

2. I've been out of perfume for over six months so it is high time that I restock on one of my favorites, Ralph Lauren's Romance. The hubs bought this as a surprise for me a while back and I have love it ever since.

3. Now, I was actually only looking for a pair of leopard pumps but ran across this collection on the Victoria's Secret website, so now I'd appreciate a pair in each color. I mean, a girl can't have too many shoes, can she?

4. I have a pretty nice camera already, but I feel like it's time to graduate and be a part of the "real" bloggers club. This Nikon D3100 has all of the bells and whistles that I need to take my photos and blog to the next level.

5. Speaking of cameras, I'm in love with this vintage camera inspired phone case. Having dropped my phone a couple dozen times, I'd love to snap this on it to hide all of the damage that I've inflicted upon it.

6. After setting the table for our #smallThanksgiving, I was reminded that we don't own a matching set of flatware. Once I moved into my own apartment after college, my mom just gave me all of the odd pieces out of her collection (which look to be from about 4 different sets). It's time to be grown ups and have a matching set of cutlery and this bamboo set is not only super pretty, it's super affordable (so I can get 2 sets!).

So you see, nothing overly fancy. I'm a simple girl with simple wishes. It doesn't take much to please me. (Come on. Who asks for flatware for Christmas???) So, even if I get nothing on this list, I'll still be a happy girl. I already have everything to be thankful for.

So what are you asking Santa for this year? Fancy stuff? I'd love to hear all about it.