Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I have a secret...

It's embarrassing...and it looks like this

THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is our 3rd bedroom. It's finally making an appearance on the blog, because, after 10 months of being in this apartment, I'm finally ready to tackle it.

It's currently serving as the hub's gaming room and office (Are you seeing why I work from the couch???) and I come in here every now and then to...

hang some laundry to dry, dump all the items that clutter our cars, or to stash away all of the lovely trinkets that I tend to bring home on a weekly basis.

I've you've been a reader of CR for over a year, you may remember the green desk that used to be a console table at our old house.

This AMAZING Broyhill credenza used to live in our old dining room. It makes me sad that it has been abandoned in the man room for almost a year. I want to switch it out with the living room's media console, but we'd have to spend a little cash on that special remote control reader thingy.

Now that I'm looking at these photos, I kinda don't feel as bad as I do when I walk in there in real life. I just realized that at least 20% of the items thrown in all four corners of this room actually live in the back of the hub's truck.

Now, here is where we get to more of my doing. This closet holds a lot of our out of season clothes, all of our luggage, all of my handbags, all of my mother's photo albums (in the boxes), all of our Christmas decorations, any s,craps of lumber, large frames and miscellaneous art pieces and about 90% of my arsenal of tools, paint & craft supplies.


It didn't always look this bad. I guess I just let it go.

I've let the whole room go.

It's gone.

But, there are PLANS for this space in the very near future! Can't wait to tell you guys all about it!


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

2 Down...A Lifetime to Go

Two years ago today, I married the man of my dreams...

You've added so much to my life. Happy Anniversary, my love.


Monday, September 9, 2013

Crafts & Cocktails SEPTEMBER!

That's right! 

Crafts & Cocktails is back for another round! My first class was such a blast, that I just couldn't wait to do it all again!

This time, we're tackling my ever popular POLLEN BALL!

My first pollen ball made an appearance on the blog almost 6 months ago. It was so popular that it ended up being prize-worthy! Avery lucky lady won it in my very first giveaway.

My latest attempt was a bit larger than the first and is actually my favorite. It, now, lives as a shiny chandelier in my updated master closet!

I did take it down, momentarily, to shoot a few glamour shots, because I wanted everyone to see our next Crafts & Cocktails project!

If you want to learn how to create this gorgeous sculpture, join me at:

Polish U Pretty Nail Café
Friday, September 27th
8:00 pm

Tickets are $30 and you should go to this link to purchase:

My first class was almost full, so be sure to get your tickets early to reserve your spot! I can't wait to see you all there!!!
