Anyhoo, on to my proudest moment as a DIY-er. It all began with a wall-without-a-purpose. So much without a purpose, that I don't even have a picture of it! Here's a super old pic from right after our move in. The wall that I'm referring to is actually on the other side of the floating shelves.
I was bored with just rotating out pieces of art, so my wheels started turning out the possibilities. The wall was part of a major walkway, so it wasn't a good place to put anything that would stick out too far. I knew I wanted something decorative, like the art, but also something that would provide a little function. Something So, I thought that a nice, tall bookshelf would be the perfect filler.
Style wise, I knew I wanted something timeless and classic, but not traditional. Something simple and understated, but not boring. This, of course, is the description of all things Parsons.
Parsons Console Table - Style At Home
Parsons Dining Table - Apartment Therapy
Parsons Cube Side Tables - West Elm
Parsons Tower - Design Sponge
Not only did I love the style, the design seemed simple enough for me to produce on my own! WIN WIN! Of course, I instantly began scouring the Internet for some easy-to-follow building plans and actually came across two. This one from Ana White and this one from The Design Confidential. The combination of the two were extremely helpful. A fully-functioning and equip workshop would've been even more helpful, but that's another story. And instead of telling it to you, I'll give you the rundown by photo...iPhone photo, that is.
Found a plan
Sketched out my own dimensions
Made a trip to my second home
Spend almost two hours in the lumber section
Found this nice guy to cut all 29 necessary pieces
Started a rough layout
Pre-drilled all my holes (over 90 of them)
Sanded and primed every side of every piece
Assemble shelves
More pre-drilling

More pre-drilling
Final Assembly!
Got it in place...forgetting that the floor was not level
This is where I patted myself on the back for a job well done!!! I swear, the pride was almost overwhelming. I was in love! I went with the white to maintain the simplicity and class, and so that it would blend nicely with the rest of our furniture. Painting it a different color would've just made it a distraction. And although I was completely in love, it still looked as if something was just wasn't "special"yet.
Well, insert a little inspiration from campaign style furniture:
Green Campaign Dresser-Lonny Magazine
Magenta Campaign Dresser - Lulie Wallace
Cream Campaign Dresser/Hutch - That's Smart Deco
I love the simple lines of the this style of furniture, but I also love how the brass accents add so much to the final look of each piece. So what did I do? I went out and got some brass brackets!
And along with some books and accessories, they were just what it needed.
Almost every book and accessory came from a thrift/consignment shop: the two brass bowls ($2.50 and $5.00), the wooden shoe molds ($2.50 ea.), the brass cranes ($4 for the set) and the antique metal compass ($7.00). The white coral was a gift from my amazing friend/ex-coworker, Rachel (hey girl!). And I found the gold rhino and the A and Z bookends at TJMaxx for less than $5.00 each.
And there you have DIY campaign-inspired Parsons-style bookshelf journey in photos! And guess what? I'm ready to do it all over again! Would you like one?