Thursday, September 26, 2013

Calling an Audible: Working on the Master

The hubs would appreciate my football reference in the title to the post. I'll have to remember to tell him about it, since he doesn't visit CR very often. But, anyway, I shared my shameful secret of our extra bedroom a couple days ago with the intentions of it being my next project. Well, somehow (possibly between my constant fabric purchases and thrifted goodies), all of my latest finds were lending themselves as updates for our master!
The last time you guys were there, it looked something like this.

Don't get me wrong, I still love this look (for the most part), but it's been this way through all of spring and summer. Temperatures are slowly cooling down here in Memphis, so the change in weather calls for a change in scenery (outdoors and in). So, I'm prepping the master for fall!
If you follow me on Instagram, you've seen some of the changes already.
Cooler weather calls for heavier window treatments, so I used our curtains (actually a Threshold shower curtain from Target) to update our headboard with a little pattern.
Now, I haven't done any real sewing since my 9th grade home economics class, but I, recently, lucked up on a sewing machine and one of the first projects that I attempted was ZIPPER-CLOSURE pillow covers. They turned out pretty great (check them out above). I may have to divulge more details on my sewing machine adventures in a later post. There may have been some crying and swearing. Just a little. Or maybe a lot.
I found two of these vintage chairs (shown below after I ripped off their skirts) while out thrifting a couple weeks ago, and although they show their age, there's something about them that lends to the cozy feeling that I'm going for in the master. I'm thinking they're going to replace the existing bench at the foot of the bed.
There will be many more changes to come (create a new window treatment, update the nightstands, find a rug, rework the gallery wall, maybe find some new lamps, etc.). I'll be back to blog about it all, but you can keep up in real time by following me on IG here.
Are you guys making any changes to your décor in preparation for fall? I'd love to hear all about it!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

DIY: An Elephant Parade...for our keys

As promised, I'm back with a mini "how-to" on our new elephant head key ring hooks!
Here's the rundown: First, I headed out to WalMart to gather my supplies.
I headed to the toy section to grab my elephants. They were only $1 each. I would've loved to use the lion or giraffe, but the fact that the elephants had a  built-in "hook" is what sold me.
When it came to looking for something to mount the elephants to, I looked for just a small, flat and square craft plaque. But, of course, WalMart didn't have any.
But, hanging close to where the square plaques were supposed to be was this little square, hanging trio of frames for $4.77. They would have to do.
I figured I could just take out the plastic picture protectors and they would be exactly what I needed.
Once I got everything home, I started by taking the little frame thingy apart and painting it black.
While those were drying, I got on to slicing my elephants in half. Since they were hallow, it was pretty easy to do with a razor blade.
I took the heads outside and gave them 2 quick coats of Rustoleum's American Accents spray paint in their bright metallic gold finish.
I reassembled the frames, leaving out the plastic photo protector, and then began to mix a little of Gorilla Glue's general purpose epoxy.
Gorilla Glue 7/8 fl. oz. General Purpose Epoxy
I spread a little bit of the epoxy around the cut edges of the elephant heads and then pressed them into the opening of the frames.

I did this to all three heads and let them dry for about 20 minutes. And when they were ready to hang, I just used some 3M Command picture hanging strips.
Done and done! Super easy!
So, now it's time for you to tackle the elephant parade!!! Be sure to send me pics of your version of this easy would totally make my day!