Saturday, June 9, 2018

Saturday Styling: The Wet Bar Redo

I can't believe it's already Saturday again! I feel like I was just writing last week's console styling posts. No really, where did the week go!?! But since it's Saturday, it's time for another Saturday Styling post! And if you follow me on Instagram, you know that this one a breeze!

Friday, June 8, 2018

Personal Style File: Jeans [Skirt] and Tee

Hey guys! I'm back in my uniform (a modified version none the less) and wanted to share the look!

In case you couldn't tell, I've wanted to show you guys more of my everyday looks. I love a good dress up session/full on production, but those events are few and far between. Plus, you guys care way more about everyday outfits than anything else, so I'm all about giving you more of what you want!

The day I got dressed, I realized I have very few cool or graphic style t-shirtsthat are outfit/outside of the house worthy. I'm covered when it comes to solid or black and white stipes, but other than that, nada. I didn't even buy the one you see here! It was gifted to me by the hubs So you know what that means; I'm getting ready to go on a t-shirt binge...starting with these!

But on to the true star of this post: my new denim midi skirt.

I stumbled upon it in Anthropologie's clearance section. It was the only one on the rack and, apparently, the last one for sale at all, because I can't even find it online. Waiting just for me was the perfect size and the perfect price! Brought it home for less than $25!

I finished things off with a calf hair leopard belt, camel heels and Bohogal earrings. The edge that every outfit deserves!

This is me, shopping for more t-shirts. If you're digging the denim skirt wave, you can shop all of the super affordable options that I put together below!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

WOW Wednesday: Soltech Solutions Grow Light

Hey Peepsicles! This post deserved the title of WOW, because WOOOOOWWWWW!!! I've recently been introduced to Soltech Solutions and I would be doing you a disservice if I didn't pass along this amazing addition to my house plant care journey!