Monday, March 12, 2012

Let There Be SEXY Lamp Light!!!

We finally got new lamps for the master bedroom!!! And let me tell you, there's something about lamp light in the bedroom that will have you thinking you've got the body of Beyonce! You know the saying that everyone looks better by candle light? Well, lamp light can have that same effect. I swear to you, there's nothing like it! But back to our new lamps...

Here's what we were working with before... The size was OK, but the color and fact that they didn't work were pushing things in the wrong direction.

But, here is our after!

Soooo much better, right???

I found these beauties on a business trip to Fort Smith at their local HOBBY LOBBY of all places. Its one of my favorite stores, but was never my go-to place to look for lamps. (That title belongs to my beloved TJ Maxx!!!) But, I was pleasantly surprised to stumble across a couple stunners on their shelves. These two were my fav.

Both were my "dream" lamp...gourd shape, clean and simple shades, and a not-too-modern style. But thinking about them in our bedroom with the dark furniture and gray & white color pallet, I knew I wanted to bring in something that would wake things up a little bit. The hints of gold and silver in mercury glass-like lamp on the left were really speaking to me.

And when I saw this, I knew I was walking out of there with a pair of one or the the other.

That's right. They were 50% off! And I thank God that they were, because if they weren't, they would still be at the store right now. Both lamps were priced at over $100 each!!! My husband would loose his religion if I spent that type of money on some lamps! Even if I told him that similar lamps that you find in boutique stores or online would run no less than $250 each. But after a little begging, the hubby gave me permission to leave with these at $60 each. Thanks Honey!!!

I even took the liberty to finally pretty up the place. I move the art that surrounded the television to each side of the headboard. On Mr. Marcus's side of the bed, I hung the M & C metallic wall thingies, which were wedding decorations (from Hobby Lobby, oddly) to eat up the empty space under the artwork. And since he seems to collect an entire hoard of things in his pockets while at work and then bring all of it home with him, I grabbed a couple of these desk organizer boxes from Wal-Mart to keep things looking nice and neat.

On my side of the bed, I have my alarm clock (that's never been armed), and a little brass dish that corrals the jewelry that I wear everyday: rings, watch and earrings (if I remember to take them out). At times it may catch my spare change or even chapstick. Pretty much whatever will fit in it.

I love how all of the finishes of each item are vastly different, they play together pretty well. If you're going to mix finishes or metals, just remember to have balance throughout your space. We have the matching lamps and storage boxes on each side of the bed. My brass tray is similar to the brass candle holder on Mr. Marcus's side of the bed. The art on either side of the bed both have wooden frames. Balance, people. It's just a matter of balance.

So up next is hardware for those blank furniture faces. And we still have to get some color in this place with the addition of a decorative pillow or two. Definitely have to get a rug over these laminate floors. And then bring in a little more personality. This bedroom in getting there...slowly, but surely.
