Friday, August 16, 2013

Friday Finds: Dorm Style

I, recently, got a call from a friend who works with college students, and she asked if I
would consider doing a back to school post for those kids who are heading off to
experience college life in the next couple days. ABSOLUTELY!!!! What a brilliant idea...
why didn't I think of that!?!?
I, immediately, got to work putting together ideas for both the girls and a the guys
(just in case there are any reading CohesiveRandomness). Now, I'm wishing I was
back in college to redo my dorm room (even though the hot pink, black, white &
zebra were really "in" then). Here's what I came up with.

Bedding: Target
Chair: Overstock
Pink Moroccan Rug: RugsUSA
Faux Sheepskin Rug: IKEA
Nightstand: IKEA
Lamp: Land of Nod
Cloud Bulletin Board: Land of Nod
Throw Pillows: Society6

Bedding: Target
Chair: Target
Striped Rug: IKEA
Nightstand: IKEA
Lamp: Land of Nod
Periodic Table Art: Land of Nod
Bulletin Board: Container Store
Throw Pillows: Society6

Most dorm rooms are blank canvases that come equip with essential pieces of furniture,
like the bed, dresser, desk & wardrobe, so you want to be sure that everything you bring not only shows off your personality, but also has a purpose and a maximum amount of functionality.

I'm dedicating all of next week to breaking down the dorm room essentials, so be sure to come back for all the deets!!!

Have a great weekend!
