Thursday, September 5, 2013

Crafts & Cocktails Recap

FINALLY, I get to share all the deets from Crafts & Cocktails!!!

A Taste of Bliss & Bea Sweet Bakery outdid themselves, but I had a blast setting up this buffet of confectionary delights.

The attendees couldn't wait to dig in.


And neither could !!!

Once everyone got settled, we got our string art started with a little bit of paint.


I handed out a all of the templates, and then, we were off to nailing!


In the midst of the noisy chaos, I had some special visitors stop by to check out the action!

my daddy & kiddo

After nailing, I let go of the reigns and they were on to stringing.


And I must say, they ALL did an amazing job!

Thanks to all of my amazing sponsors, each attendee went home with a fabulous prize!




So many beautiful smiles. Lots of happy faces. It's an experience that I'll always remember.

I'm overwhelmed by the love and support that I received while embarking on this new venture. So much so, that I'm already planning the next class!

Mark your calendars for


I'll be back tomorrow to share all the info!


To see more photos from the class, click here!


  1. Awesome!!! Gosh I wish I could join in the fun. At least I was there is spirit... Err tassel:-)

  2. Congrats on the awesome event. It looked like an good time! Wish I could've joined in, but alas I'm all the way in the ATL! :)

  3. Looks like a wonderful time! Congrats!

  4. I am so freakin jealous I couldn't be there!!! All of their creations looks so fab! So proud if you lady;)
