Sunday, December 23, 2018

Shop with me: Mbabazi Styles

I love supporting small businesses, especially those that are female owned and local to my community. This is why Mbabazi House of Style has garnered such a place in my heart. This past weekend, I had the pleasure of hosting a "Last Minute" Shopping event at Mbabazi for all those last minute Christmas shoppers and I had THE best time!

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Nubi Cocktails: A Holiday Mule

Since the holidays are here and in full swing, it's the perfect time to put a little holiday cheer in your favorite cocktails.  This photo recipe is a minor spin on the classic Moscow Mule.

Although the classic mule calls for Vodka, I try to stay as far away from it as I possibly can (it's not a long story, but one I won't bore you with today. So, considering aversion to Vodka, my mules are always based with Tequila. A Mexican Mule if you will. Here's what you'll need to put it all together.

Crushed ice
2 sprigs of fresh mint
1 tsp of sugar
2 oz of tequila
1 bottle of ginger beer
2-3 candy canes or peppermint candies
A few fresh cranberries for garnish

1. Muddle a few leaves of mint, a teaspoon of sugar and crushed ice in the bottom of a mule mug

2. Pour in 2 ounces of tequila

3. Fill the rest of the cup with ginger beer

4. Top with crushed peppermint, a sprig of mint and a few cranberries for garnish

5. Enjoy!

Happy Holidays, friends!

Friday, December 7, 2018

Nubi's Gift Guide for Every Girl

Hey guys! It's gift-giving season and I'm here to help you avoid reaching for that last minute gift card before heading to your next Secret Santa party! Every girl I know would be happy to open any of these on Christmas morning!

1. Treefairfax Tote - This tote is just the beginning! Everything in this shop is what you never knew the lady in your life always wanted! Original, hand-made leather goods that will last a lifetime make for a perfect gift!

2. Silk Pillow Case - Help her protect her amazing hair and skin with this silk pillow case. Plus, you'll be the the last person she remembers when she goes to sleep at night!

3. Silk Sleeping Mask - You can't get the pillow case without the mask! Make it a set an wrap them together with a bow!

4. Otherland Cardamom Milk Candle  - The subtle warm and sweet scent of this candle is the current sophisticated woman's pumpkin spice! Think more coffee house, less flavored powdered creamer from the gas station. Trust me! Even my boys loved it!

5. Pussy: A Reclamation - Okay. This one is a little out of left field and definitely won't be seen on any other gift guide, but let me tell you, tangible things are cute and thoughtful. But being able to change the way a woman sees and feels about herself is a gift beyond words. This book has totally changed the way I view myself and has transformed my confidence in a way that I didn't know I needed. My beautiful friend Dayka Robinson suggested it to me and I'm forever grateful to her.

6. JCrew Hinged Bracelets - I'm always asked about the stack of arm candy that I sport on a daily basis. A majority of my bracelets are gifts from hubs or were once owned by my mom. I like to fill in with these beauties as simple basics that tie them all together! I have the gold and silver, but there's also a rose gold option too! They beautiful, well designed and go with everything.

7. The Lipbar Liquid Matte Lip Gloss - I've never been so giddy and excited about anything related to beauty until I tried this magic on a wand last night in the color Bawse Lady. I've always heard that the perfect red lip can change your life, and I thought it was a joke. Boy oh boy was I wrong. This formula is non drying and the color is beyond perfection! I didn't want to take it off!

8. Jade Facial Roller - The beauty product of the year! Any woman would be happy to open up this set on Christmas morning!

9. Old Navy Blanket Scarf - The winter staple in a classic colorway! It's one of the most versatile accessories a woman can own. It can be worn wrapped around the neck, draped over the shoulders and belted, worn around the waist and pinned as a skirt or even wrapped and tied around your head as a turban. And at $10, it's a no brainer!

10. Kohl's Turkish Cotton Robe - I've been on the hunt for the perfect everyday robe that's light enough to be worn in the warmer months AND has some length for coverage in the cooler months. This fresh white option made of Turkish cotton is on my very own Christmas list!

11. Instax Fuji Camera - In today's day and age we take more pics than ever before. But it's rare that anyone gets them developed or printed! Gift her this camera and she can capture all of her favorite moments during the holidays and everyday thereafter!

If you found this helpful, be sure to check back for my gift guide for HIM!

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Personal Style Files: Happy Holiday Party Season

It's officially holiday party season! Here's a little outfit inspiration for you to bring on the holiday cheer! There's also a chance to have me style you for your next holiday party!

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Nubi House: Happy Holidays!

Happy December! It's officially holiday season!!! I decked our hall a couple weeks ago, in preparation for my Friendsgiving. Now, it's time to share it with the rest of my friends...all of you!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Nubi Cooks: Vegetarian Lasagna

Hey guys! This is the most impromptu post ever, but it comes as a major request! I made a vegetarian lasagna last night and shared the entire process via Instastories! Tons of you were so invested that you needed the recipe ASAP! Well, here you go!

Monday, November 19, 2018

Happy Friendsgiving!

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of hosting (and attending) my very first ever Friendsgiving and it was beyond everything I could've hoped for! Beautiful women had a beautiful time around a beautiful table of amazing food. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Nubi House: Ready for Fall

Hey guys! It's been a while! Long enough for our super warm fall to drop the bottom out of it's temperatures. Brrrrr! It's gotten so cold that it was time for some updates to the living room to help usher in the season of cozy!

Monday, October 1, 2018

Happy October! First Look of Fall

Happy October, loves! It's my favorite month of the year (T-11 days til my birthday!) so let's kick it off with my first fall look!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

My Purple Tresses

It's been over 3 months since I took the purple plunge and I haven't regretted it for one single day. Well, maybe I did for about 3 weeks. LOL.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Have a Coke & a Smile

Hey guys! It's been a crazy busy summer, but it has officially come to an end. I ended mine with a little mini photo shoot, enjoying a Coke and sharing a smile!

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Thursday, July 26, 2018

White & Stripes and Blogger Xchange Memphis

Being a blogger has some major perks, but one of the best is actually meeting other bloggers! Blogger Xchange is on a mission to bring more of us together and what better way than over some good eats, drinks and talks on how to be better bloggers!

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Saturday Styling: How to Style a Coffee Table

Happy Saturday loves! I'm back with a special edition of Saturday Styling! 

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

My love for CB2 runs deep!

If you follow me on Instagram, then this proclamation is nothing new to you! However...wait til you see what I snagged!

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Show Your Work: Dated Condo gets an Upgrade

Happy Sunday Peeps! This post was supposed to go up about 36 hours ago, but...such is life! I'm here, showing off my work on last weekend's install! I'm going to try to not make this post too wordy and keep it to just before and after pics! The photos really speak for themselves, but I definitely want to break down my reasoning and thought process and the's bound to be a shocker. But first:


Saturday, June 16, 2018

Saturday Styling: Plans for the Work Space

Today's Saturday Styling post is a bit different. I'm breaking down the plans for the upcoming work space in the living room. Well, right now they're plans, but honestly, this can all change by this afternoon. Lol!

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Changes to the Living Room

Yup, the pool table is leaving. I alluded to this a couple days ago. Did you guess correctly? Click below to read all about why it's finally time.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Saturday Styling: The Wet Bar Redo

I can't believe it's already Saturday again! I feel like I was just writing last week's console styling posts. No really, where did the week go!?! But since it's Saturday, it's time for another Saturday Styling post! And if you follow me on Instagram, you know that this one a breeze!

Friday, June 8, 2018

Personal Style File: Jeans [Skirt] and Tee

Hey guys! I'm back in my uniform (a modified version none the less) and wanted to share the look!

In case you couldn't tell, I've wanted to show you guys more of my everyday looks. I love a good dress up session/full on production, but those events are few and far between. Plus, you guys care way more about everyday outfits than anything else, so I'm all about giving you more of what you want!

The day I got dressed, I realized I have very few cool or graphic style t-shirtsthat are outfit/outside of the house worthy. I'm covered when it comes to solid or black and white stipes, but other than that, nada. I didn't even buy the one you see here! It was gifted to me by the hubs So you know what that means; I'm getting ready to go on a t-shirt binge...starting with these!

But on to the true star of this post: my new denim midi skirt.

I stumbled upon it in Anthropologie's clearance section. It was the only one on the rack and, apparently, the last one for sale at all, because I can't even find it online. Waiting just for me was the perfect size and the perfect price! Brought it home for less than $25!

I finished things off with a calf hair leopard belt, camel heels and Bohogal earrings. The edge that every outfit deserves!

This is me, shopping for more t-shirts. If you're digging the denim skirt wave, you can shop all of the super affordable options that I put together below!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

WOW Wednesday: Soltech Solutions Grow Light

Hey Peepsicles! This post deserved the title of WOW, because WOOOOOWWWWW!!! I've recently been introduced to Soltech Solutions and I would be doing you a disservice if I didn't pass along this amazing addition to my house plant care journey!

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Saturday Styling: A Console Styled 3 Ways


Happy Saturday Peepsicles! I'm back with another installment of Saturday Styling! This week, I turned my attention to my "new to me" Brutalist style dresser. Check out how I gave this piece it's unofficial welcome to #nubihouse. 

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Every Woman Should Have...

The hubs was cleaning out the workshop the other day and came across a folder of old papers. Before chunking it in the trash, he stood and sifted through all of the folder's contents and pulled out a stapled set of printed emails and handed it over to me.

"You should read this. I think you'll like it." he said.

I took the papers to the kitchen and read it while enjoying my morning coffee. And what I read moved me so, that I walked back out to the workshop where hubs was still working, just to hug his neck. I was truly blessed not only by the words I just read, but by his wonderful expression of love to consider that they were words written for me.

I loved them so much that I had to share them here.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Personal Style Files: Feeling Florals

Spring rolled in and brought some feminine feels with it! My jeans and t-shirt loving heart is now yearning for more flirty florals.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Explore 901: Toyota Steeped in History #letsgoplaces

History was never a point of interest for me during my school years. And after my time with Toyota on a tour #steepedinhistory, I finally realized why.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Good to Know: My Plant Babies & How I Care for Them

Good morning peeps! As a lot of you know, this post has been months in the making!!! I think it started around the time Shavonda came to Memphis for our joint makeover project. There was a major discussion around us not being able to use plants in the project (due to the winner's pets), in spite of both of our obsessions with plants, especially our own! They're a frequently asked about topic anytime they make an appearance here on the blog or on Instagram. So now, it's time to give my babies all the shine that they can stand!

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Saturday Styling: My Gateway into Macrame

Happy Saturday peeps! So a few of you may have heard about and are well aware of a little giveaway that's happening on my Instagram feed! One of the prizes is this small scaled macrame wall hanging from the lovely BohemianSummerNight Etsy shop.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Saturday Styling: A New Corner

Happy Saturday peeps! It's been forever since I've been able to get my hands on my own home, but spring has sprung and the itch to rearrange got the best of me! There's a full spring home tour coming up soon, but today is all about this little corner of our living room! 

Friday, April 27, 2018

My Seat at the Table: The Greats the Made It Possible

As much as I love all of the love and congratulatory comments for creating my Art by Design space, it would be nothing without the contribution of these amazing people and businesses!

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

My Seat at the Table: How It All Came to Be

Happy Tuesday folks! I'm finally breaking down my participation in ArtsMemphis Art by Design 2018! This post is probably as wordy as I've been in a while, but I promise it's worth the read!

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Sunday, April 8, 2018





Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Good to Know: How to Uncurl a Rug

Happy Sunday guys! It's been a crazy couple weeks, which has kept me away from the blog, but I recently came a cross a tip that was just too good to not share!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Personal Style Files: A Valentine's Day Look

I have to say...Valentine's day is not really my thing. Actually, holidays in general don't have the same meaning to me as an adult as they did when I was a kid. But! What kinda blogger would I be if I didn't give you guys some kind of inspiration on the day of love? :)